Sunday, January 12, 2014

Me and Food

Growing up, my mom always tried to make me eat vegetables and fruits to maintain some semblance of a healthy, balanced diet. I suppose some of that sank in. I am young and in my mid-twenties; needles to say, my body needs to last for a lot longer. I try my best to eat healthy and make good food choices. I have always been skinny--please don't hate me--so I can eat whatever I want without consequence. Yes, I know some of you are spitefully thinking, "Ha! Wait until you are older. It won't last forever."

Anyway, I digress. Aside from my love for pasta and sweets, I thought I was doing an all right job of eating healthy--enter my fiance. Victoria showed me, against my will, a grim world filled with "healthy food that is not healthy." Since then, I have looked at food differently. I buy whole grain noodles and organic milk. I shop at farmers' markets when possible to get locally-grown, fresh fruits and vegetables. I look for meat in the grocery store that is not filled with growth hormones and other nonsense. I buy fruit snacks that don't contain red dye in them and stay away from soda. I even buy special applesauce. Yes, even applesauce can be unhealthy when you look at the nutritional information, and it is filled with a ton of corn syrup to make it sweeter. I shop with tact and vigilance. As if it were not hard enough to stay on budget already, add trying to buy better and healthier food into the mix. I stay away from fast food as much as possible. It just seems so difficult to find the time to eat healthy and exercise on top of everything else. 


  1. I know what you mean. I'm a label reader too. Good for you though for staying on top of it

  2. Interesting about the applesauce i never would have guessed! But I still eat in the cafeteria where it's what you see is what you get haha, Not much variety in that place.

  3. That is so inspiring that you could implement so many meaningful changes into your diet. Bravo!

  4. Finding the time to eat healthy is a challenge. But if we prioritize it as something that holds great importance it becomes easier to keep a healthy diet.
