I thought the professor who gave a presentation on climate change did a good job. I will be honest I am a big sceptic to global warming. That being said I learned a lot about climate change and it made sense to me. I think we are on the path to destroying our planet out of greed and apathy. Look at all the things we learned this semester about how horrible food is. If people will design products/food that will destroy human life slowly but surely than why would the planet be any different. I never really thought about it but the unraveling of our planet's climate makes perfect sense biblicaly. Revelation is very explicit in the warning about the end times and world phenomenons are often mentions. There will be draught, and earthquakes, and storms of great proportion. This was forecasted by the speaker and is forecasted by God as well. Sorry guys not trying to give you the Bible 411 just drawing some interesting parallels. Overall, I enjoyed the presentation and really learned a lot about climate change and clean energy. If we can make clean energy that provides equal to more jobs for the economy and replaces destructive means, I say sign me up.
I agree 100% with this post! Nice work aaron! I really enjoy the parallels you drew to revelation.