In this great country we have a Democracy. This form of government allows for the people to vote representatives into office to represent their interests. These elected officials then guide policy toward what their voters want. In the Congress their are Senators from each state who represent those states and hold a majority of the power. These senators go to Washington D.C. to vote on bills and pass legislature. Many of them have to travel often. This means that they have to stay in hotels or apartments or lofts that are most surely paid for with tax dollars. Being that America has come up on harder times financially we need to save a dollar every where we can. Furthermore we have the best elected officials in the world. Everyone elected into office is honest and true and only in it to serve the public the best they can. There is no one in Congress who has ties to big business that affects their decision making or who vote in a way that will profit themselves. Instead, they are always looking out for the voter. Because of this the American people adore their politicians and would do anything for them. This brings me back to the issue of tax funded housing arrangements for the politicians in D.C. What I propose is that we start an initiative to move many lower income families to Washington D.C. We would restructure Capital Hill and its surrounding area to provide homes for some of the poorest in our country. Being a country who has politicians who only care about the people and do not serve their own interests I am sure no one would object to an initiative that would house more of our poor and needy. Next I propose that the traveling politicians be housed by their constituents for the duration of their stay in D.C. Each time they come to Washington they would stay with a different family. The family housing them would be responsible for providing food and shelter to their politician This will cut down on the burden of spending money on food and housing for the hard working Senators and representative who do not live in the area. The families who are hosting the politicians will have no problem nor objections to this idea I assume because they adore the elected officials that are in our great and uncorrupted government. And would only want to give back to them what they have given in their service to our country. This initiative would allow the politicians to sleep where their voters sleep and eat what their voters eat and live like their voters live. As for the families housing the politicians they would consistently know how hard it is to do the work the politicians do and all the tough decisions they make in the very best interest of the people. Since our government is so transparent our elected officials will have nothing to hide from the hosting families and will only be treated with respect and hospitality because they are such honest and noble people. Thus, I see no reason that anyone should object to my room and board initiative. As it is a way for the voters to give back a little to those public servants who give so much to them.
This is great, Aaron! A brilliant idea to force our politicians to live like the middle (and lower) classes!