The Jungle, has been an interesting book so far. I am slowly getting pulled in and attached to the characters. I can not personally relate to being immersed into a culture of which I do not understand nor speak the language of but I can only imagine the fear and unease that would come with that. I can only imagine what it would have been like for Jurgis and his family if they did not run into there old friend who had been in America for a long time. Luckily for them he showed them the ropes and helped them settle in. I found the part where they were going to buy a house to be very interesting. They were so responsible with what little they had and gave great thought to their purchase before making it. I compare that to the housing collapse very recently in the early 2000s. It is quite common in America to buy a home but even today if things go south you can be financially ruined. With the recent recession many families lost a lot to include their home and almost six years later things are not getting better all that quick. So I really found this part of the story interesting and relevant to today. This book is slowly working the reader into how gross the meat packing industry is and I fear it will only get worse. In fact the whole town seems to be a slum all owned by a few wealthy people who probably live towns away in prosperity.
I completely agree with your comparison on the housing collapse during the early 2000's. Some people are tricked into buying houses that they can't afford and end up having to file for bankruptcy.